Thursday, June 14, 2012

Job hunting

So a week ago Scott and I were faced with the realization that we were going to be without employment. We were both worried at first but even if we don't know what is going on God always knows. I was really down on Sunday. I kept thinking about how we've already been through this once before right after we got married but now we have Sean to think about. I got to Sunday School and our lesson was based out of John 14:27 Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. I had an overwhelming peace come over me and even though things are still somewhat unsure I know He will take care of us. Tuesday Scott had an interview for some free lance work, and the Lord graciously gave him the account. Wednesday, Scott had another interview for a contract job which he got and if it works out it could turn into a full time job. We heard back from another corporate company today and we are are waiting to hear back from them to see if we have an interview. It would be a full time position working as a designer. We're still waiting praying but I know the Lord has everything in control. I haven't seen Scott this happy in a long time. It's like he is so much happier too. :)