Monday, October 1, 2012


Well we are in the process if trying to get moved out of our little apartment by the end of this week. I'm so full of mixed emotions right now. I'm happy to be moving out so we have more room because our family if three has definitely out grown our current home. Yet I am sad because of the circumstances that caused us to have to move and the fact that we are leaving our sweet little home that Sean was brought home to when he was born. Ah... Well regardless we have so much to do this week that has to get done.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Happy Father's Day Babe!

We celebrated today and went to Ted's Montana Grill for dinner. <3

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Job hunting

So a week ago Scott and I were faced with the realization that we were going to be without employment. We were both worried at first but even if we don't know what is going on God always knows. I was really down on Sunday. I kept thinking about how we've already been through this once before right after we got married but now we have Sean to think about. I got to Sunday School and our lesson was based out of John 14:27 Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. I had an overwhelming peace come over me and even though things are still somewhat unsure I know He will take care of us. Tuesday Scott had an interview for some free lance work, and the Lord graciously gave him the account. Wednesday, Scott had another interview for a contract job which he got and if it works out it could turn into a full time job. We heard back from another corporate company today and we are are waiting to hear back from them to see if we have an interview. It would be a full time position working as a designer. We're still waiting praying but I know the Lord has everything in control. I haven't seen Scott this happy in a long time. It's like he is so much happier too. :)

Monday, April 9, 2012

Our Easter

Yesterday was pretty busy for us but I have to say that even though I was running on about 3 1/2 hrs of sleep it turned out to be an amazing day. On Saturday night I started baking some cupcakes for Easter dinner and my 1st grade Sunday school class and realized that I was lacking some key ingredients for the recipe after I had already started, so I had to wait for my hubby to pick them up on his way home. *silly me* So after baking, bagging up goody bags for the 1st graders, getting all the clothes laid out for the next day, and cleaning up the kitchen I think I finally got to bed around 2am. It was definitely worth it. I woke up a little earlier than planned but it turned out to be a blessing because if I had not I would not have gotten everything done in time. Sean wore his little Easter outfit with the vest I had made for him. I wore the gray infinity dress that I made with a black bolero over it and Scott wore a suit with his navy and yellow tie. Of course he looks handsome no matter what he wears. <3
 In my first grade class we learned about the true meaning of Easter and had one little girl accept Christ as Savior. I don't think there's any better way to celebrate Easter than to see someone come to know what it's really all about and then to become a part of God's family. After church we went to Scott's family's house for Easter dinner and had a really good time. We spent the rest of the afternoon there until it was time to head to church again.
Sunday afternoon nap

 Needless to say I think the three of us were beat last night and this morning. No.... I take that back. Two of us were tired. Sean has just as much energy as ever and as if he were trying to show us that fact he decided to stand up in his crib today!!. Unreal.... at 6 1/2 months? Really? Why does he have to grow up so fast???
Trying to stand up on his own.
Using the Teddy Bear as an incentive. LOL


Monday, March 26, 2012

Growin' little man.

Sean turned 6 months old yesterday and he had his checkup this afternoon. It's so hard to believe that he is already 6 months old!! He is starting to crawl on a regular basis and the other day he was trying to pull himself up along the crib. Time to baby proof the house... Well the appointment went rather well. We walked in and he immediately started smiling and "talking" to all of the nurses and within 5 min he had everyone in the waiting room's full attention. *little ham* He weighed 17 and 3/4 lbs and he is 27 inches long. The. Dr said that he is going to be a tall boy! As the Dr. was getting ready to leave and let the nurse in to give Sean his shots, Sean waved goodbye. That totally made the Dr.'s day. =) He cried some while getting his shots but mommy hugged and kissed him and then it was all better. He's been pretty tired since though. Well here are some pics of before the shots. *hence the smiles lol*

He just loves the mirror at the pediatrician's office.

Crawling right into the mirror.
*uh oh* here comes the Doctor....

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Makin' Memories

Spring is trying to show its face, and as the warm weather begins to come out of hiding, we seem to see more of the outdoors as well. Yesterday was one of those gorgeous days that would be such a waste to spend indoors all day but unfortunately I had to work. I was so sad about having to go to work and missing the sunshine and the opportunity to spend it with my family, but as I was walking to the car to leave for work I got a call saying that some of my students were not going to be able to make it till later on in the days so I was able to spend 2 more hours than originally planed with my hubby and little guy. We all went down town for a walk and had the greatest time. 

Don't they look so happy?
Sean, a little bummed that we took him off of daddy's shoulders.